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Showing posts from February, 2012

Patron Saint of Porn

There are many moments in being a parent where you feel proud. So many times where your little one does something for the first time, or suddenly understands something they didn't before. Baby A has been amazing us daily of late. So moments of pride are coming thick and fast. If she's not saying 'crocodile', she's trying to count to 10. Or telling me how many of various things there are. And sometimes getting it right! She's learning something new every single day. So. Imagine my pride when she saw a picture at a friend's house and beaming, pointed and said 'mummy'. So cute. Followed by 'Cat Mummy'. Even cuter. 'Miaow Mummy'. Aww... ...but why was I dressed as a cat in the picture, you might ask. I wasn't. It wasn't me. My daughter somehow confused what I would look like if I were dressed up like a cat with an artists impression of an imaginary patron saint of porn. (although quite why they had that...

Ski Baby

Oh my goodness. If ever there was a reason to learn to ski, this is it. How cute?!!! WM x Ps yes I did make the PT this am. (By myself - Mr Big was a little lacking in his eagerness to join me and stayed in bed!) I had to go in order to justify the boozy lunch that followed! All in the name of business promotion you understand!

What A Day

Up until now I've avoided talking about my work. I guess I didn't want this to read like some ad, but then I realise I've been quiet the last few days as the main things going on are work-related. I also realised this is a journal of what is happening in our lives now so we can reflect upon it later and remember. So if I don't talk about work it won't be a true reflection, when it's such a huge part of my life. So today, I shall write about my day, which will involve work! It all started well enough. I knew our Nanny was sick as she had let me know yesterday. She is so reliable and I know she adores Baby A, who likewise is very fond of her. She wouldn't have been happy that she couldn't look after her today. Get well soon Nanny J. All was ok as a friend offered to step in and as I had a presentation to deliver to 36 fellow female business owners, I needed to be able to make it and deliver. Thankfully business is booming at the moment and as my ...

Bathroom Antics

It seems my prediction was right! Mr Big has announced I will be getting my new bathroom very soon and he has already started knocking down the wall in the room behind it to make space (we are extending into the bedroom behind). Woo hoo. So perhaps we will be able to enjoy a 'normal' sized bath sometime in the not too distant future. I say normal as we currently have a very small bath which is about two thirds of the size of a standard issue. It's not too much of a problem for me, being a shortie and all. But it is for Mr Big who cannot even sit comfortably in said tub without his knees bent up. Truth be told I am very excited by the prospect of a new bathroom as this one is too small for a family. We have this funny window arrangement which is a bit odd but will have to stay. We have 'temporary carpet' down which is basically an offcut we were given which we chopped to roughly the right shape thinking we would replace with 'proper' carpet at some po...

Boiler Madness

So, we have a new twist in the WM Kitchen. A new boiler. There are many positives. We can now actually do the kitchen! We have more storage space. Our heating is more efficient and we should avoid our home getting so cold it takes an age to warm up. And we have amazing water pressure in our bathroom, so lovely powerful warm showers here we come! Obviously it's not cheap to have a new boiler, so that's on the down side. And the house smells of dust. In every room. But worst of all, my kitchen cupboard is in my actual kitchen and there's a clean up op to do tomorrow. But it is progress! And apparently we can now have our bathroom done. So it could be WM bathroom before the kitchen at this rate. Let's see what happens ... By the way, this has also led to random items appearing in my lounge. One of which is inflatable! See further pics below. (Along with the reason behind why we have said inflatable in the first place - let's just say it's not just B...

Beetroot Brownies

I made these the other day in prep for Valentines as I knew I would be sending Mr Big to work with a heart-shaped one, scattered with rose petals and lightly dusted with icing sugar, so he could show off to his friends. I think the beetroot adds an extra dimension. And it certainly adds to the richness and colour. I use this recipe as this is where we get our organic veggies (and as of last week, organic meat) from. Here is the link: And here are the pics of the brownies in progress. Along with the finished articles. Well, once baked. Although I find I do have to bake for a LOT longer than it says in the recipe. But maybe that's just our oven! I doubled the ingredients here in case you were wondering. To be honest, it was a bit of a close call when it came to finding a big enough bowl to mix it all up in. Which I managed. Just. As the pics show! That's the trouble with the work-in-p...


I'll let the pictures speak for themselves. (I'll let you decide which card I sent!) WM x

Letters For My Husband

Today has not been a happy day in the WM household. Mr Big and I had a fight. Not a big one. But a fight nonetheless. Contrary to what I'm sure my mother would say (she thinks we are both 'volatile' - Mr Big & I say 'passionate') we don't fight that often. Admittedly we are both usually pretty shattered, so too tired to care about small minutiae. But today was not a good day. We are friends now, of course, but I still hate fighting generally so I am still feeling the aftermath a little. But I have put Baby A down for her nap and consequently have calm for long enough to actually reflect on things. If I'm truly honest, although Mr Big has made his specialist subject in life to annoy others (all who know him understand what a complete wind-up merchant he is!), I am guilty of telling him off rather a lot and 'correcting' him, or moaning about things not being completed or finished or put away etc. I tried to think of the last time I g...

Time to Get Organised!

January was the month of sleep in my house, as you may recall. And what a life-changing month that was. Unbelievable. And I'm hearing of the successes for other sleep-deprived Mummies & Daddies across the land. Thank you Jo Frost. You are amazing! So to February. And I have decided February is the month of organisation. We have a new boiler being installed next week. And as our old system is just that, it will cause all manner of disruption as we will no longer have need for the old tank and all the storage required to house it. Not to mention the change of pipes etc. (and of course no heating or water for 2 days - but that's ok as I'll be out of the way for that bit!) Some of this disruption will be in the infamous kitchen. Which I can cope with. It's work in progress in there, as you know. But the thing that bothers me is this: my office. I had to move it into the dining room once ready. But now it is returning to the spare bedroom again. Now I'm for...

Meet Miaow

You may recall in a recent post I said I could see we would have to think about buying Baby A a pet. And she loves cats. But Mr Big is allergic. Well look what arrived in our post today! Meet 'Miaow'. Care of a very clever Nanny. On behalf of Baby A, thank you :) xx