I thought I'd start compiling a list of my favourites. It's a work in progress so I will update every now and then.
My Mum isn't a lover of spiders and unfortunately she passed this fear unwittingly onto Roar when he was small. She didn't want him to stay afraid and so one Christmas, she bought him a Spider House Kit. Between us we hoped he would learn about them and watch one and see they spend a lot of their time motionless and aren't really that scary. Don't get me wrong, I don't love it when a spider scuttles too close, but it's usually the shock of something scuttling into view that's more 'scary' than the spider itself. Well, that's what I tell myself anyway! We have no poisonous spiders to worry about so there really isn't anything to fear (although I know that isn't the same everywhere). We've had this Spider House Kit tucked away in a box for at least a couple of years as Roar was initially not keen. However, in Lockdown all the 'kits' are coming out and so has this one and, what's more, he's LOVED IT! He has l...