I vaguely remember making cakes with my Mum when I was tiny. I had this plastic kids mixer you could beat one egg in at a time. From memory it was the best thing ever as it looked like a stand up mixer and it worked with a turn handle. So my memories of 'helping Mummy' make cakes were fond. My Mother remembers is slightly differently! She says she used to dread the 'sound of the chair' which meant I was dragging the kitchen stool across the floor to get to her and that meant I was about to interrupt whatever stage she was at ;) While I can relate as cooking with kids is a whole different ball game, I think baking with kids is great! They get SO much from it and they have absolutely NO IDEA whether your bakes are any good or not (depending how young they are when you start!) It's no surprise then that I started baking with my daughter when she was still one! I used to put a line of chairs up in the then 'old kitchen' and she could walk along the si...
I'm a slightly unhinged 40-something who wonders how an earth I ended up here: Mum to three smalls, with a crazy busy life, running a business from home and still refurbishing the seemingly unending project that is our house. My partner in crime is my Hubby, known for reasons that shall not be disclosed here as Mr Big. Welcome to the chaos that is our journey.