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Showing posts from April, 2020

Lockdown Baking with the Kids :)

I vaguely remember making cakes with my Mum when I was tiny.  I had this plastic kids mixer you could beat one egg in at a time.  From memory it was the best thing ever as it looked like a stand up mixer and it worked with a turn handle. So my memories of 'helping Mummy' make cakes were fond. My Mother remembers is slightly differently!  She says she used to dread the 'sound of the chair' which meant I was dragging the kitchen stool across the floor to get to her and that meant I was about to interrupt whatever stage she was at ;) While I can relate as cooking with kids is a whole different ball game, I think baking with kids is great!  They get SO much from it and they have absolutely NO IDEA whether your bakes are any good or not (depending how young they are when you start!) It's no surprise then that I started baking with my daughter when she was still one!  I used to put a line of chairs up in the then 'old kitchen' and she could walk along the si...

Blog Therapy

Time is really tight for me as I'm sure it is for lots of us. And yet still I have the desire to keep writing my blog, having only recently rediscovered it. It's not that I haven't missed it.  I have.  I've just been so busy 'doing life' that by the time the end of the day comes, I am so thoroughly exhausted, there is just no energy left for me to even contemplate opening up the laptop again! So what has changed? Well my youngest is a little older and so that means a more regular and predictable bedtime routine. He is also in much better health as he was very poorly for a while which will no doubt be another post for another day.  This means once he goes to bed now, he sleeps and is not waking up frankly projectile vomiting (exorcist-style) across his bedroom, needing medicine, cuddles, re-settling, new clothes, new bedding, and a 'wipe-down' of the walls and or carpet! He also is not having to have interventions such as 4 hourly meds day...

The Day Sleeps Return! Day 2!

Day Sleep Day 2 and WOW, what a difference!! Littlest just went off to sleep no problem and stayed asleep for a whopping one and a half hours giving me a much needed  break! I managed to write an entire blog post and start sorting our kitchens.  Yes we are back to kitchens...! We even started some Cub-Friendly Cookies (littlest has allergies), much to his delight when he awoke as he loves the dough (more than the actual cookies!) I also got some valuable time with the others which has never really happened since youngest Cub was born.  He has had one health battle after another in his early years and as such, has required much more attention than I expected.  Especially for a third child.  This child most certainly did not  'just fit in'. I also benefitted hugely  from having a little time off.  Don't get me wrong, I still rushed around sorting things, clearing up, re-loading the dishwasher, cleaning, changing over washing and so on, as ...

Day Sleeps - the way forward?!

We have been in Corona Lockdown for 5 weeks and the cracks are starting to show.  Work does seem to have calmed down a little, which is a blessing, however not so for Mr Big.  So where some wives/partners are no doubt going out of their minds with their husbands/partners suddenly being 'locked home' with them, Mr Big disappears out to the office, pops back for lunch, then disappears again until his usual home time. Well, most of the time...and I have really tried  to ensure he can  do that, by meeting everyone's perpetual and consistent gazillion needs a day, so he can be left to just focus on his work... ...however, yesterday was no ordinary day and yours truly had just about had enough! I could sustain it no more.  The pressure valve burst.  AKA Mummy had a mahoosive meltdown!! I think we all reach a breaking point and mine was in most spectacular fashion.  We seemed to have an inversely proportional relationship between my levels of patience...

Covid-19 Coronavirus Lockdown UK April 2020

Well this is a post I never expected to be writing! We are currently mid-lockdown in the UK having started our own isolation a little early as we thought we may have been exposed. So we went into lockdown of our own from 18th March. I truly never thought in my lifetime I would see a time where flights stopped, schools were closed, all public places were off limits, police were tasked with breaking up gatherings of more than 2 and to ensure people only embarked on essential travel, and we were not really allowed to leave our homes other than for exercise! And yet here we are!  And really oddly, we seem to be adjusting to this 'new normal'. I'm not sure what's more terrifying!  That it took an 'invisible enemy' to lock down the world.  That this happened so quickly.  Or that we have adapted so fast? In the UK we are lucky as we have the NHS which is doing a superb job.  We also have a government with deep enough pockets they have offered a tonne of support...

Wow time flies!

Well this is a bit scary...I blinked and it's April 2020 and I'm nearly 41!!!  What the actual?!! Well as you by now will know, I can find it difficult to keep things brief, so encapsulating everything that has happened since I've last posted would be difficult at best, and certainly tricky for me!  But here goes the short-as-I-can-make-it list!  Things that have happened include: I am now over 40 (did I mention that already?!) Baby A is NEARLY TEN Baby A is also one of THREE! They are too old to be called babies anymore so I will need new names :) EDIT: I have new names: Moo, Roar & Cub ;) Mr Big and I are still together and married over 10 years (although believe me we've had our ups and downs but somehow we cling on for another day!) We have a pooch called Rhoboe We moved home around 5 years ago as we needed more space There have been many ups and downs and sadly we have lost people along the way, however right now, we are in the middle of the Covi...