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Showing posts from February, 2013

Letting Go & Accepting Your Lot

Life as a Mum can be hard at times.  Very enjoyable at other times too, but on the tough days, there's nothing like it. And I only have one to look after! If I'm honest, I don't think I was able to take to motherhood as well as I had hoped.  Or maybe I didn't really think about it until it was here because I knew I would struggle - albeit I knew I would get through it in the end. Either way, it wasn't an easy transition for me.  I was filled with much conflict around my role and who I was.  Let's not forget, Baby A was a honeymoon baby.  So all of a sudden was I a wife?  Mother?  Career woman?  Property re-furber?  Landlord? Home-maker? I wasn't sure.  All I was sure of is I didn't feel able to give myself properly to anything.  So I didn't feel very good at anything.  And that's not a fun place to be. But it's not all bad.  Here we are, a few months on, and the world feels like an entirely different place....