Life as a Mum can be hard at times. Very enjoyable at other times too, but on the tough days, there's nothing like it. And I only have one to look after! If I'm honest, I don't think I was able to take to motherhood as well as I had hoped. Or maybe I didn't really think about it until it was here because I knew I would struggle - albeit I knew I would get through it in the end. Either way, it wasn't an easy transition for me. I was filled with much conflict around my role and who I was. Let's not forget, Baby A was a honeymoon baby. So all of a sudden was I a wife? Mother? Career woman? Property re-furber? Landlord? Home-maker? I wasn't sure. All I was sure of is I didn't feel able to give myself properly to anything. So I didn't feel very good at anything. And that's not a fun place to be. But it's not all bad. Here we are, a few months on, and the world feels like an entirely different place....
I'm a slightly unhinged 40-something who wonders how an earth I ended up here: Mum to three smalls, with a crazy busy life, running a business from home and still refurbishing the seemingly unending project that is our house. My partner in crime is my Hubby, known for reasons that shall not be disclosed here as Mr Big. Welcome to the chaos that is our journey.