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Showing posts from November, 2012

Peg Lady

This is very quick, but a follow up to 'dressing like a peg bag'. It seems Baby A & Mr Big if left unattended with some pegs will make their own amusement! WM x

We Finally Got Plastered!

It's been well over a year since I painstakingly removed all 4 layers of wood chip wallpaper from our hallway, landing and ceiling. And finally, we got plastered! Woohoo! Progress! And my ever-so-clever Mr Big also put up a new bannister to match our now not-so-new staircase. It all matches. Perfect! There was the odd plastering casualty but nothing soapy water and elbow grease couldn't fix as you will see from the pics. You never know, we might even attempt the infamous kitchen soon, the rate we're going!! WM xx PS - excuse the 'porn star' moustache Mr Big is sporting - it's for Movember and not a permanent feature! x

Our Friends Wedding By The Sea

We had a fantastic weekend away at the end of September at our friends wedding in Cornwall. Bit of a trek but well worth it and we managed to go down a day early to make a proper break of it. I was a bridesmaid so had lots of wedding duties to tend to the evening before and on the day, of course, but we got some quality family time in beforehand and it was wonderful. Baby A squealed with delight when we let her 'off leash' without having to wear her butterfly bag with reigns attached. I felt a pang of guilt - she was so delighted to be free I realised we don't make the time enough to go where she can just run free. Then I got over myself and remembered we've got our beach hut and she runs free on the beach all the time! It was fun though. We went to Tintagel Castle and Baby A adored running all the way down the hill to the actual castle, along by a bubbling stream which she thought was the best thing ever! She was so exhausted by the time we got to the botto...

Filming with George

It's amazing how much filming goes into making these 60 minute shows. We haven't seen it yet but we expect there will be a max 10 mins of footage of us in the episode we are featured. Yet we must have had at least 4 filming sessions which lasted at least. 4 hours each! Crazy. Anyhow, all very exciting stuff. We're very used to bring 'miked up' now, albeit I kept getting the giggles 'on mike' which is probably really annoying for the editing team. Never mind. I'm an amateur, don't you know! And unpaid! It's also all about Mr Big's project and not really to do with me, so I'm trying not to say too much. Anyone who knows me will appreciate that is something I find very difficult, so this really is going to be interesting when its aired! I bet I'm made out to look like some little kept housewife, which couldn't be further from the truth! The final filming day with George was obviously also exciting. Lots of people asked ...