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Showing posts from May, 2012

Hilton Tries & Candy Highs

Wow! What a day! Just returned back from a fabulous weekend with my sister and her hubby at their swanky London pad. Very nice, don't you know! Mr Big, Baby A and I all went up together and we had a ball. So lovely to catch up & great for them to spend some time with their niece. I think she wooed them with her cuteness! Saturday, we had a wonderful time in the park in the morning, followed by a children's zoo in the afternoon. In true Baby A style, she was WAY more impressed with the massive sand pit play area than with the animals, but I'm her defence, it was a pretty cool play area, complete with interactive water pumps the kiddie winks can control (and Mr Big & Baby A's Uncle's favourites - sit-on 'diggers' - yes, guess who was sat on them 'digging'?!) After a scrummy pub dinner, the boys were relegated to the nearest pub to watch the (which of course they did under great protest) leaving a nicely tired out sister & I to put a...

Baby A's Nursery

I love Baby A's nursery. She only goes 2 afternoons a week but I really think she loves it. She certainly seems to as she's always so excited when she gets there and can't wait to see 'Baby George' who I hear about constantly and is potentially her first crush (but don't tell Mr Big). It wasn't always this way as before she would always cry when I left her and it was heart breaking, but I knew she was fine really, as by the time I looked in the window from outside, she was already all smiles. It still took a while before we wouldn't have the tears, but now she's that little bit older and more confident, she runs off almost without even a wave goodbye. I say almost as I always ask for a wave, but I'm pretty sure if I didn't ask, I often wouldn't get. Aside from offering wonderful care for my daughter, the nursery also complete a learning journal, complete with photographs, as a record of Nany A's development in the time she spend...

My Birthday!

Yes, I recently turned another year older. It was fun though. I love birthdays. Just a great excuse for get togethers and doing something a bit special or out of the ordinary. Mr Big was wonderful. He brought me breakfast in bed before he went to work and also set me off on a treasure hunt of sorts to find my actual present. It was very sweet. He put a clue in several little cards, each relating to the next, so I had to work them out as I went in order to find where my pressie was hidden. And my actual pressie was fab. I'm getting my colours done! Yippee! I've wanted that for about 2 years (essentially since being a mad-busy Mum, I no longer have time to 'browse' or even try on clothes in the shop, so if I at least know that colours suit me at a glance, I can run around Primark & 'grab shop' and have a hope in hell of actually picking up something that suits me when I get it home! That's the theory anyway. Either way, it can't get much wo...

Happy Birthday Nanny

It was my Mum's birthday today and so we have been busy preparing making cards and organising pressies. We are going through an independence stage at the moment so Mummy's help was NOT appreciated, albeit perhaps still needed a little. We also learned what chalk tastes like & not to draw on ourselves with it! WM x

Another fave card

I nearly forgot to add this. Aside from the obvious cupcake, this was my favourite of Mr Big's birthday cards. I'm not sure if it's better or worse that this was from my own mother! Worse, probably! But then she never wanted to be a 'typical' mother in law. Mission accomplished! Beware. This is not one to show the kiddies! WM x