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Showing posts from January, 2013

Not Bad For A 2 Year Old

What can I say? She takes after her Mum! I think you'll particularly like the fairy wand 'pointer' :) WM x

Say 'when'

This was just a little tale I thought I'd share. Baby A takes things very literally, as all children her age do. So when her Daddy asked her to 'say when' when he was pouring a drink for her the other day, she understandably seemed a little confused. 'Say When', he said again, still pouring into her little cup. She still looked confused but clearly wanted to say the 'right' thing. Daddy still hadn't twigged that she didn't have a clue what that meant so insisted one final time, 'Come on, say when'. She gave the best reply a 2 year old could give. 'Tuesday?' she said? With a look that said 'hopefully this is what you meant?' I think she thought if she didn't get it right, Daddy was just going to pour water until it spilled. So she said the best thing she could think of to answer his rather odd test. To all intents and purposes, it worked. Both Mr Big & I collapsed with laughter so he did stop pouring. ...

Winter Wonderland

We woke up to find the weather people were right and snow had fallen! It's so much more exciting when you have kiddies! Outside we went, while it continued snowing, and built a total of 4 snow people! We even had to pop to the shop to get more carrots for noses! Baby A loved all the excitement. It was fun. We even had a snow ball fight across the street with 2 neighbouring families. I'm not sure who was having more fun - the adults or the children! Here are some pics of the day :) WM x

Ginger Bread Girls

I popped home between appointments today to find baby A and her nanny making 'gingerbread girls'. The shop had only 'girl' cutters left apparently. They get my vote every time :) WM x