Day 1 of 'proper' training was today. We have introduced the idea before, but hoping the concept of 'softly, softly' will hold us in good stead. Up until today I think we have had 1 'wees' on the potty, but LOTS of talk about it! Mr Big will, I am certain, vouch that there has been LOTS of talking, generally, which to be quite honest he is starting to struggle with (which I, of course, find hilarious - he really is outnumbered by talkative females in this house - I just dont think he expected it to have already gotten that way! She is only 2!) So, the foundations have been laid, very slowly, as preparation for today. Foundations included daily (and sometimes several times in a day) reading of a book about a little girl who learns to use the potty - called 'Lou Lou's loo' I think. It's an interactive book, so baby A can get involved in the story, which I think is really helpful. So much reading about 'Lou Lou' and much TALK about t...
I'm a slightly unhinged 40-something who wonders how an earth I ended up here: Mum to three smalls, with a crazy busy life, running a business from home and still refurbishing the seemingly unending project that is our house. My partner in crime is my Hubby, known for reasons that shall not be disclosed here as Mr Big. Welcome to the chaos that is our journey.