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Showing posts from June, 2012

I Love My Hoodie

Just thought I would share these pics. Baby A's in her new Next fleece hoodie - perfect for the beach hut and hopefully, should we get any consistent sunshine, potty training. I can't remember how much it was but around Ā£10 I think. You can get cheaper I'm sure, but it's a nice fabric and I hope it will remain soft after a few washes, so hopefully it will last that bit longer than the cheaper versions. Baby A certainly seems to like it. At some point, I suppose she will become 'A' as she's approaching 2 and can't really be called a baby anymore. Not sure I'm ready to drop it just yet though! WM xx

First Proper Bubble Bath!

I have to hand it to Mr Big. He makes things fun! I always worry so much! For example, about Baby A's skin in the bath - she gets so dry, bless her cottons, that I veer away from bubble baths or anything that could make her skin bad. How wrong was I?! Mr Big got involved and just look at her excitement! She was SO ready for bubbles. Bath time will never be the same again! (and her skin was no drier than usual!) WM xx

Grumpy Teenager - Already??

This cracked me up. Bed head hair and she'd seen me putting my headphones in for running, so thought she would have a go herself! Just looks like she's suddenly a hung over teenager to me. Poor Baby A. What a mean Mummy you have! Posting pics that should be saved for your 18th! (although 'head phones' will undoubtedly be SO old by then!) WM xx

Dippy Eggs!

Sunday mornings. Breakfast in bed. Ignoring runny noses and egg shell in the bed! WM x

Mr Bloom Has A Lot to Answer For!

I can only assume this is why a very convincing interpretation of 'Raymond' - The Squash, has appeared in my kitchen. Thank you Mr Big. WM x

Sometimes All You Can Do Is Bake

What a bank hols. What horrific weather. What a washout. I hate the frustration of having time to spend as a family, only to be so horrendously let down by the weather that you can't enjoy it. It's so horrible here even the amphibians are headed for shelter. Coupled with a slightly sore ear that turns out to requiring the out of hours GP today, and a diagnosis of 'a really nasty infection that will more than likely get worse before it gets better', that will 'probably result in my ear looking like a cauliflower' and 'that I shouldn't waste any time at all getting the pain relief started as I will most certainly know about it by tomorrow morning', I am almost joyous. So to baking. Triple chocolate muffins from a packet mix at Asda. I feel as sullied as if I'd eaten a McDonalds. Still, it brightened up the afternoon for Baby A who, it seems, is quite the little chef! So much so I decided I would actually make some more cakes from scra...