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Showing posts from April, 2012

Mr Big's Birthday

We've just returned from a mini break away with friends to celebrate Mr Big's ageing process. Baby A refused point blank to sleep on the first night and so I remembered with great delight the good old days of pre-super-nanny sleep training.  I saw 11pm, 1am, 3am, 5am & 6am.  What was the point of going to bed?! Needless to say on the Saturday night I toughened up and got back into Super Nanny tactics.  2 minutes of tears (I know - I was timing) and she slept in a cot next to my bed (which is obviously different to normal for her) for 13 hours straight.  I'm so glad I know that technique now.  It's like having a little tool-kit I can just reach into when I need to.  And I feel calm and in control if things do go wrong, as I know what to do to put them right.   Anyhow, sleep issues aside, we had a lovely time and here are some pics and vids to share with you.  Guess who chose the card?! In case you missed it - here is th...

Walking with Daddy

This was taken a little while ago now, but I thought I would post when I saw it earlier. It all started so well.  Walking along with her Daddy, wearing her butterfly backpack.  I might be biased, but I thought she looked adorable.  My little bubba. But then, this happened... Gotta love kids! WM x

Kitchen Window Completion

It's been a while since the 'dust' complaint and I realised I hadn't shown you how things looked once the kitchen window was finished. So here are the finished pics.  Well, nearly finished, as the joists still needed to be removed and the final bricks popped into the wall, which is of course now done. It's SO much better - the pics just don't do it justice - but we now have light coming into the room through a much larger window at the back (and we're south-facing garden, so it makes a massive difference) - and we still have the original window over the sink, which also lets light in. To put it into perspective, I came home the other day and panicked that I could see what looked like a white 'fog' hovering above the kitchen floor (the kitchen door was shut, so it was viewed through the blurred glass of our kitchen door). When I opened the door I realised it was simply the light reflecting off the floor! That's how much differe...

Baby A's Mobile

We gave Baby A her first mobile phone.  It's a pink Blackberry.  No joke.  She picked it out herself at the phone shop and it comes complete with all the usual extras, such as a camera.  There's hope for Blackberry yet against the i-phone revolution! Here's a couple of pics: Both myself and Mr Big were amazed at how she knew what to do with it.  At such a young age.  But then again she has seen me on my BB since she was born.  Anyone would think I talk a lot?  Me??! She's even got the hang of text... Needless to say, albeit a genuine Blackberry, it's ex-display and plastic (before anyone thinks I would actually give her a real one!) WM x

Beach Days

I LOVE having a beach hut. Let me repeat. I LOOOOVVVE it. We get so much more use of the beach since we've had it - and it's such a luxury that Baby A will always have (apparently we literally have this now until we either decide to sell, or we die - whichever comes first!) The minute we get here, it's like the stresses and strains of 'every day' seem a million miles away.  I literally feel as though this is a breath of fresh air every time I'm here. Looking forward to decorating it now...although my plans may have to be put on hold as Mr Big has had another one of his crazy ideas.  (I love you Honey.  And that includes your craziness!) Watch this space. Here are some pics of the views from our hut and some fun beach days. WM xx

Mr Big's Trolley

Not 'trolley-ed' - before you mis-read that.  I said 'trolley'! As you may have gathered from previous posts, one of the things I love about Mr Big is his ability to turn his hand to just about anything - and to build just about anything too. I think he gets this from his Granddad who was famed for his 'bodge-its' where if something broke, he'd mend it in his own very unique way.  To be fair, he came from the generation when you used to fix things instead of throwing them away like we do today - but then again, they were worth fixing! Lest we get into some debate about our throw-away society, I shall move back to Mr Big's trolley. Essentially, we needed to get stuff from where we would have to park our car, down to our beach hut, and seeing as we didn't have anything to hand that would carry these items, Mr Big built one. I felt this was ingenious as it saved us both time and money, and meant we could head off to the beach hut straight away...

What Do You Get...

...if you give a certain Mr Big the following items: Some cardboard Tape and marker pens And some time (And some scissors, but I forgot to photograph those) Scroll down... ... ....THIS, is what you get! How amazing is that?! The coolest playhouse EVER! Even comes equipt with 'guests' And an oven! Cute as a button WM x

Is it wrong?

That this is my idea of a perfect evening? Mr Big's out with 'the boys'. Baby A's in bed. So its just me. Me & my tv. My wine. My takeaway. Oh yeah. WM x

Oh Dear. It's Started...

...I've been shopping for the beach hut. Couldn't help myself and now look what I've done. Oops. WM xx


Quick progress update for you. Eek! And that's not even thinking about the dust!!! WMx

Easter Puppy

You may recall we had a little present of the furry variety arrive through the post a few months ago, by the name of 'Miaow'. I wrongly accredited said present to Baby A's Nanny, as I thought it had come from her. I was wrong. It seems her grandad, otherwise known as 'Da' is the soft touch on that side of the family! And he has found a partner for Miaow. This arrived a couple of days ago. This time named, so I couldn't get it wrong! Thanks Da. He has been re-named 'Woofie'. WM x

We Have A Shower!

Whoopa! Check out this bad boy. I am cleeeeean.  No more dried hair puke.  And it's a monsoon shower.  Lurvely.  Hmmmmm :) Myself and Mr Big calculated that this is our first decent shower EVER.  For some seemingly unfathomable reason, wherever we have lived together, the showers have always been rubbish! So this is extra lush. I feel like I have a spa in my house.  Yipee! WM x