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Showing posts from March, 2012


It's happening!!! Yipeeeee!!! Check out the 'man poses'. Although some more so than others! Can't wait to post the finished article. Mr Big and sidekick are working like Trojans to get it done. What heroes. Not been made any easier by crumbling walls and panic-petrol buying traffic jams everywhere, clogging up the roads when you just need to nip to B&Q! WMx


It seems summer is here already! Clear blue skies. Soaring temperatures. Everyone is that bit more cheery after the winter blues. I love this time of year. The birds are singing, trees are in blossom and daffodils are out in force. Everything just looks so pretty. Now I'm a Mummy I've also realised its the time for sun hats, factor 50 creams and for the first year, sun glasses that stay on!


We had just the most wonderful time away skiing recently. It was just fabulous. A week off. And in catered chalet accommodation, so no cooking or clearing up to contend with. This is no small item when you understand this was only my 4th ever trip. (read: I can just about find the energy to drag one foot in front if the other by the time I return from the slopes, let alone cook!!) I was bold. No ski school and red, black and mogul runs. My bravest yet! I had the most fun I've ever had and actually was competent enough to enjoy the skiing as opposed to simply 'enduring' it! And Baby A made it onto skis too. Ok not to actually ski anywhere as she is too young for ski school, but she went on a set nonetheless. Here are some pics of our trip. Why does it have to be SOO expensive?! I want to go again next year!! X

Today was a good day

Mr Big and I were a little worse for wear today after an amazing evening out last night. Yes. We went out. On a Saturday. And got drunk! And it was good. Today was a little delicate to start with but once we got going, we had a wonderful family day together. Gorgeous weather, gorgeous place and my most favourite gorgeous people. Here are some of the highlights. (I will just say one thing: Baby A's writing is incredible for her age!) WM x

Wonder Mum Returns

It's been a wee while, but I'm back, and with many a tale to tell. The last month or so has been crazy busy and I have essentially collapsed at the end of the day, completely exhausted. So no blogging. Nothing has really changed as I'm still ridiculously short of time to get everything done but I have realised I miss my blog, so I will endeavour to treat the last few weeks as a break and start afresh. There are plenty of pics and videos to post from the last few weeks anyway, so stories are in plentiful supply. Let's start with the cutest ski pic of Baby A on our latest hols. Admittedly walking away from the camera, but still SOO cute. WM x

And a few more!

Couldn't help myself! See! Addicted! WM xx


I've been getting distracted lately. Yes, partly with work. But also partly with a new web crazed fad Mr Big has sent me. Ooh. Apps. On my I-phone. Still an enticing novelty. And this week's is Pinterest. It's addictive! I can't stop pinning things on my virtual pin board. Freud would have a field day. Attached are some recent 'pins'. Enjoy! Ps I've no idea how to send you a link, being a techno phobe! Guessing you just search for 'Pinterest'. It's amazing!